Menuette may be given to others or distributed by any means — in fact, we’re counting on you to do so! You see, people can’t buy shareware in stores from big companies. Instead, they get it from friends and from people who make it available on computer networks — people like you. If you’ve purchased Menuette, though, please don’t distribute registered copies (ones that display your name and serial number in the main window); instead, encourage others to pay for Menuette by giving them an unregistered copy from the disk you were sent. Also be sure to pass along the About Menuette document and the included Menuette Sets files. If you received Menuette in compressed form, we suggest that you distribute the original compressed archive only. If you received a copy of Menuette that has someone else’s name at the bottom of the main window, or if you can’t find the files mentioned above, it means that someone else has ignored these instructions. See the Paying for Menuette help topic for information on how you can purchase your own copy, with your own name on it, with all of the files you need. If you’re screening this software to decide whether to post it on a network, to include it in a collection of shareware you’re distributing, or to make it available to your user group, we encourage you to do so — unless a registered name and/or serial number appears at the bottom of the main window. If this situation occurs, please contact us; we’ll happily send you a free copy for yourself, plus an unregistered copy suitable for public distribution.